Primary Cap Color is: 5- Black, Dark Brown, or Dark Gray
Showing 33–48 of 86 results
Leccinum largentii (“Largent’s Bolete”)
Oft-swollen, whitish stem w/ dark scabers that often age to form netting. White cap flesh DNS or reddens a bit by the stem. Likes toyon, madrone, & manzanita.
Read moreLeccinum roseoscabrum
Pink scabers & ridges, esp. lower down, on an oft-curved white stem. Scabers darken w/age or handling. Oft-wrinkled, oft-spotted, dark- to chestnut-brown cap fades w/age.
Read moreLeccinum scabrum (“Birch Bolete”)
Classic salt & pepper stem often has blue-green stains by base. Whitish pores age to gray-brown & may stain slowly yellow.
Read moreLeccinum snellii (“Snell’s Bolete”)
Dark brown-black, often mottled cap. White stem flesh stains pink high and blue-green low, often slowly, then slooowly darkens toward purple-gray or black.
Read moreLeccinum subalpinum
Dark red-brown to rusty-red, oft-velvety cap. White-buff pores bruise reddish brown. Likes high altitude, Arizona/Utah Rocky Mountain conifers.
Read moreLeccinum subleucophaeum
Whitish pores age to gray or gray-brown, & stain yellow-brown. White cap flesh slowly stains gray, but stem flesh may stain red first, & may end bluish.
Read moreLeccinum variicolor (“Mottled Bolete”)
Dark brown-black, often mottled cap. White stem flesh stains pink high and blue-green low, often faintly & slowly. Salt & pepper stem. White or buff pores bruise slowly brown.
Read moreNeoboletus luridiformis [auct. amer.] (“Dark Capped Scarletina”)
Think “Darker Capped discolor”. Yellow stem often has a red or orange-red zone in the middle, & blues when bruised. Blue-bruising yellow baby pores soon age to red. Yellow flesh quickly blues. Likes oak.
Read morePhylloporus rhodoxanthus ssp. foliiporus (“Bluing Gilled Bolete”)
Has gills instead of pores. Gills bruise blue. Yellow mycelium. Cinnamon- to dark-brown cap.
Read morePorphyrellus nebulosus
Gray-to-brown cap stains darker & often cracks w/age. Yellow pores age to brown & then red-brown, staining blackish-brown.
Read morePorphyrellus porphyrosporus (“Dusky Bolete”)
Dark brown stem, often w/white base that can smell of chlorine. Dark red- to black-brown pores stain green-blue but resolve to brown. Odd smell.
Read morePorphyrellus sordidus
Gray- to dark-brown, oft-cracked cap. White cap flesh stains blue-green, sometimes w/reddish tints, & can taste pungent and/or smell unpleasant.
Read morePseudoboletus parasiticus (“Parasitic Bolete”)
Grows on the Poison Pigskin Puffball. Yellow/brown pores may stain reddish.
Read morePulveroboletus atkinsonianus
Red to cinnamon, oft-viscid cap ages darker brown & has a sterile edge. Oft-viscid, oft-ridged stem enlarges going down, bends before snapping (think asparagus), & is cap colored low & lighter high.