Primary Stem Color is: 3- Red, Pink, Purple, or Orange
Showing 1–16 of 149 results
Amoenoboletus weberi
Brownish cap dry, scaly & oft-cracked. Pale yellow flesh DNS & tastes “tart and somewhat lemony.” Reddish, oft-scaly stem. Reddish pores.
Read moreAureoboletus betula (“Shaggy Stalked Bolete”)
Cap ranges from yellow to very red. Long, shaggy, oft-curved stem. Flesh green-yellow or orange-yellow. Very deep pores. Tart flavor.
Read moreAureoboletus flaviporus
Viscid, cinnamon-brown cap. White to pink-buff cap flesh DNS & tastes acidic. Viscid stem is yellow on top, red-on-white below.
Read moreAureoboletus gentilis
Smaller (<3″), viscid-when-wet, pale gray- pink to -brown, oft-streaked cap. White cap flesh DNS, & may smell fruity. Yellow stem gets reddish brown going down.
Read moreAureoboletus mirabilis (“Admirable Bolete”)
Deep purple or red cap browns w/age, getting more velvety & less viscid. Netted stem colored like cap, but paler. Yellow mycelium.
Read moreAureoboletus projectellus
Cap flesh tastes lemony. Well-netted red to brown stem. Likes sandy soil and pine, esp. Scots Pine. Cap edge projects past the pores to form a ridge.
Read moreAureoboletus russellii (“Russell’s Bolete”)
Long, deeply textured, pink-tan to red-brown stem is quite viscid, esp. by the base. Variable-colored cap often fissured or in scale-like patches.
Read moreAustroboletus gracilis (“Graceful Bolete”)
Pink or whitish cap flesh DNS. Tubes are very deep & very depressed at the stem. Long, oft-curved, oft-ridged, pale-cap-colored to brownish stem.
Read moreAustroboletus gracilis var. pulcherripes
Reddish- to dark-brown (fading w/age), oft-fissured cap w/yellow in the cracks. Coarsely netted (esp. on the upper 2/3), cap-colored stem.
Read moreAustroboletus subflavidus
Smells fruity but tastes bitter. Stem with thick, raised netting & often a yellow base. Babies may have clear fluid beads on the pores.
Read moreBaorangia bicolor (“Bicolor Bolete”)
Red cap fades w/age. Shallow, bright yellow pores may bruise blue, esp. when mature. Red-and-yellow stem. Red bug holes in yellow stem flesh.
Read moreBaorangia rufomaculata
Red-spotted, rusty brown cap lightens toward honey-yellow. Oft-ribbed stem yellow high, mottled deep red going down.
Read moreBoletellus chrysenteroides
Reddish brown/black, scabered stem, often w/yellow high up, stains blue from handling & then slowly reddens. Grows on or around dead wood. Yellowish pores bruise blue.
Read moreBoletellus cubensis
Bright red streaks/fibers at the top of the scaly stem. Red cap can age dark or pale, & gets deeply cracked/fissured. Yellow/cream cap flesh DNS. Yellow pores DNS.