Edibility Iffy
Showing 97–112 of 123 results
Suillellus luridus
Yellow, blue/green staining flesh has a red/purple line just above the tubes. Yellow/red stem has lots of red netting, esp. at the top.
Read moreSuillus anomalus
Strange, elongated pores start yellow, age to gray-yellow to pale orange, & run down the pale yellow, somewhat bulbous, soft & pliant stem, which bruises red-brownish.
Read moreSuillus bresadolae var. flavogriseus (“Bearded Bolete”)
White/yellow scales, esp. when young, on sticky yellowish cap. Grows w/larch. Only known from Newfoundland.
Read moreSuillus flavo-granulatus
Viscid yellow cap ages to pale yellow-tan. Yellow pores can be huge (2.5 mm across). White stem ages to yellow, w/pink-brown dots on the upper portion.
Read moreSuillus helenae
Brownish- to orange-yellow cap flesh tastes acidic & DNS. Very viscid, pale brown, smaller, conical to bell-shaped cap w/yellowish tints by edge.
Read moreSuillus imitatus
Yellow cap flesh smells acidic to metallic & DNS (but stem flesh blues lower down). Soft, fibrous ring on yellow stem w/cinnamon tints.
Read moreSuillus imitatus var. viridescens
Wide, oft-broken, viscid stem ring. Stem has netting on yellow color above the ring, is often green right below it, & should be brown by base. Flesh smells acidic to metallic.
Read moreSuillus megaporinus
Yellowish to pinkish-brown cap cinnamon-buff to yellow-tan streaks & fibers. Massive (up to 5 mm) yellow pores. Limited range.
Read moreSuillus pseudobrevipes
Incurved, viscid yellow cap ages toward red-brown. Short, stout, ringed, white stem ages toward yellow, & has white dots.
Read moreSuillus subalpinus
Viscid, gray, purple- or red-brown-on-white cap w/white edge & sometimes spots. Whitish pores age yellower & DNS. White stem w/dots that age to purplish brown.
Read moreSuillus tomentosus var. discolor
Yellowish stem stains fingers brown, w/orange-brown dots that age to dark brown. Yellow-brown pores bruise slightly greenish blue, resolving brown.
Read moreSuillus wasatchicus
Pale yellow cap flesh DNS & smells pungent. Stem is yellow by pores & whitish by base, w/ reddish dots & smears that darken w/age.
Read moreTylopilus atratus (“False Black Velvet Bolete”)
Think “T. alboater but under hemlock.” Gray to black velvety cap often cracks even when young. White cap flesh slowly blackens w/no red phase.
Read moreTylopilus atronicotianus (“Tobacco Stain Bolete”)
White pores age to reddish brown & stain red/brown or black. Brown stem darkens going down to nicotine-stain-blackish, often ending in a “V” shape with a tiny taproot.