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Buchwaldoboletus hemichrysus
Yellow cap usually has a yellow powder on top. Yellow baby pores quickly age red-brown. Yellow-with-red stem ridged by the pores.
Read moreChalciporus piperatoides
Slow, acrid flavor. Pinkish to yellowish buff-brown flesh, usually blues esp. by the tubes. Yellow pores age to cinnamon & stain blackish blue. Bright yellow mycelium.
Read moreGastroboletus ruber
Cap-colored, all-but-missing stem. Pale yellow cap flesh quickly blues. Irregular & uneven, reddish pores bruise blue.
Read moreGastroboletus turbinatus
Short, stubby, yellow-red stem stains blue. Wrinkled & pitted, yellow- to red-brown cap. Yellow, orange, or red pores quickly blue. Often grows in fused clusters.
Read moreNeoboletus luridiformis [auct. amer.] (“Dark Capped Scarletina”)
Think “Darker Capped discolor”. Yellow stem often has a red or orange-red zone in the middle, & blues when bruised. Blue-bruising yellow baby pores soon age to red. Yellow flesh quickly blues. Likes oak.
Read morePorphyrellus porphyrosporus (“Dusky Bolete”)
Dark brown stem, often w/white base that can smell of chlorine. Dark red- to black-brown pores stain green-blue but resolve to brown. Odd smell.
Read morePseudomerulius curtisii
Bolete or polypore? Grows shelf-like (no stem) on decaying wood (esp. hemlock & pine). Strongly veined, wavy, orange-yellow pores bruise darker orange.
Read moreRubroboletus eastwoodiae (“Satan’s Bolete”)
Very large, bulbous, white-buff stem w/pinkish tints & reticulation. Everything blues. Cap has pinkish tones & often cracks in age.
Read moreRubroboletus haematinus
Blue-bruising red pores (yellow on babies) age to reddish-brown. Yellow cap flesh stains blue. Red netting on thick yellow stem, esp. at the top.
Read moreRubroboletus pulcherrimus (“Satan’s Bolete”)
Big, beefy mushroom w/red (dark, orange, or brownish) instantly-bluing pores. Blue-bruising reddish stem has red netting. Yellow, quick-bluing cap flesh.
Read moreSuillellus amygdalinus
Red pores and yellow flesh stain blue instantly. Red or red-brown cap & yellow stem covered w/dark red granules both bruise blue.
Read moreSuillus tomentosus (“Blue-Staining Slippery Jack”)
Wooly/scaly, yellow to orangey cap balds w/ age. Brown-yellow pores stain blue, & babies may have yellow dew. Stains fingers brown.