Name in North American Boletes: Boletus ornatipes
Genus: Retiboletus
- Genus 2: Boletus
Species: ornatipes
- Species 2: retipes
Common Name: Ornate Bolete
Tells: Bright yellow, heavily textured stem bruises toward orange. Yellow pores bruise yellow-orange. Often tastes bitter.
Other Information: Cap color varies greatly, but often it has a darker center & yellow toward the edge. Seems to be bug resistant.
Science Notes: DNA testing moved this mushroom into the newly erected genus “Retiboletus.”
Edibility: Iffy. Many specimens, but not all, are too bitter to eat. The non-bitter ones are considered good.
- NH4OH (Ammonia): Cap surface turns pale orange-brown. Cap flesh turns pale brownish.
- KOH: Cap surface turns pale orange-brown. Cap flesh turns pale orange-brown.
- FeSO4 (Iron Salts): Cap surface does not react. Yellow cap flesh turns dull white.
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