Stem: 7- Is Notably Dotted and/or Spotted
Showing 17–32 of 122 results
Harrya chromapes (“Chrome Footed Bolete”)
White/pink stem has a bright yellow foot, w/ pink-rose dots or scabers. Rose/pink cap fades tannish w/age & can be slightly viscid.
Read moreHemileccinum rubropunctum (“Ashtray Bolete”)
Smallish (<3″) liver- to red-brown cap is usually furrowed or wrinkled. Usually has an unpleasant “ash tray” smell, but not always. Buff-yellow stem w/oft-raised reddish dots/spots.
Read moreHemileccinum subglabripes
Think hortonii with a smooth or barely-wrinkled red-brown cap. Cap flesh may taste slightly acidic, & may blue, but rarely.
Read moreHortiboletus rubellus
Bright yellow cap flesh slowly stains bluish-green, while stem flesh stains blue/green on top & orange by the base. Very deep yellow pores stain blue/green.
Read moreLanmaoa roseocrispans
Lobed cap fades from dark red to yellow w/pink in the folds. Yellow pores bruise green- or gray-blue; cap does too, but slower. Very “robust, hefty, and dense” yellow flesh gets orange by the stem base.
Read moreLanmaoa sublurida
Yellow baby pores age to dark red, then fade back toward orange-yellow. Yellow flesh stains blue, slowing in age, & often smells fetid (oniony ammonia).
Read moreLeccinellum crocipodium
Yellow pores stain browner. Cap flesh stains red/pinkish-gray. Pitted cap ages from blackish to yellow-brown, & often cracks/fissures w/age.
Read moreLeccinellum griseum
Wrinkled/pitted, dull- to blackish-brown cap adds olive tones & cracks/fissures w/age. White, curved-at-the-bottom stem w/dark scabers. Likes oak.
Read moreLeccinellum quercophilum
White stem w/fine brown scabers that bruise bluish-green. Wrinkled/pitted, dull- to yellow-brown cap bruises bluish-green & often cracks & fissures w/age. Likes oak.
Read moreLeccinum aeneum
Found in the California Sierra Nevadas. White cap flesh slowly stains purplish-gray or -brown, & stem flesh stains green by base. Likes manzanita, bearberry, & their relatives.
Read moreLeccinum alaskanum
Found in Alaska. Dark brown to blackish, often mottled cap ages from velvety to slightly viscid. Whitish pores age to dull brown & bruise darker brown.
Read moreLeccinum arbuticola
Brown/olive pores darken or stain pinkish-brown. White stem instantly stains blue & has spots that age to dark brown. Viscid-when-damp tan/brown cap may bruise blue, but white flesh stains red & then brown.
Read moreLeccinum arctostaphylos
A favorite of Alaskan foragers. White-pink cap flesh slowly stains gray to pale bluish gray. Likes kinnikinnick at higher elevations or bearberry in the tundra.
Read moreLeccinum arenicola (“Sand Loving Leccinum”)
Grows in or near northern Atlantic coast beaches in sandy soil. Wrinkled, oft-cracked or fissured, orange to yellow-orange cap fades w/age.