Boletus patrioticus (“Patriotic Bolete”)

Cap context: red zone by skin, white (or pale yellow) flesh, turns blue. Get it? Also tastes sour. Blue-bruising yellow pores age darker. Oft-pink upper stem.

SKU: Boletus patrioticus Categories: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


Genus: Boletus

Species: patrioticus

  • Species: communis

Common Name: “Patriotic Bolete”

Tells: Cap context: red zone by skin, white (or pale yellow) flesh, turns blue. Get it? Also tastes sour. Blue-bruising yellow pores age darker. Oft-pink upper stem.

Other Information: Velvety tan-olive baby-cap soon ages to red (from pinkish- to brick- or dark-), often w/browner olive- or tarnished-brass tints by the edge. Stem typically rosy pink-red high & olive low on a yellowish ground color, but can vary greatly. Whitish to pale yellow mycelium. A typically Southern species, DNA-confirmed specimens have recently been found as far north as New Jersey.

Edibility: Good.


  • NH4OH (Ammonia): Cap surface turns olive-amber. Cap flesh turns pale orange-yellow.
  • KOH: Cap surface turns olive-brown. Cap flesh turns pale orange-yellow.
  • FeSO4 (Iron Salts): Cap surface turns olive-gray. Cap flesh turns pale orange-yellow.


National Audubon Society Field guide to Mushrooms, Gary Lincoff 0 Mushrooms of West Virginia and the Central Appalachians 0 North American Boletes 137 133

Got something to discuss?

4 years 24 days ago

Found just one in Richmond Hill, GA today, 2nd of July 2020.

Jason Rockhold
2 years 9 months ago

I was trying to get a confirmation on the patriot in alabama.

Scott Pavelle
2 years 9 months ago

This is a relatively new species. Confirmed finds stretch down the east coast, over to Louisiana, and along the Gulf of Mexico into eastern Texas. We do not have a 100% confirmed ID in either Alabama or Mississippi, but it would be astonishing if patrioticus isn’t there to be found.

Rob Dornbush
11 months 4 days ago

Several of these have popped up today in my front yard in Central Florida (Winter Park). Positive ID using “Picture Mushroom” app 22 Aug 2023.

Terry Barnes
11 months 15 hours ago

I found two nice ones yesterday and more are growing. Mushroom id group on Facebook confirm but still pending approval for boletes group.

Are there any dangerous/toxic lookalikes?