Boletus sensibilis (“Curry Bolete”)

Smells like curry. Yellow pores, yellow flesh, red-brown cap, & yellow stem (which may have pink/red by base) all blue instantly & profoundly.

SKU: Boletus sensibilis Categories: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


Genus: Boletus

Species: sensibilis

Common Name: “Curry Bolete”

Tells: Smells like curry. Yellow pores, yellow flesh, red-brown cap, & yellow stem (which may have pink/red by base) all blue instantly & profoundly.

Other Information: The stem occasionally has fine netting on top. Blue-stained pores can eventually fade to reddish brown.

Edibility: Iffy, but only recently promoted there. Bottom line: many reliable foragers are known to eat and enjoy this mushroom, and all recent reports on the Internet take that view. Nevertheless, older books unanimously listed it as a sick-maker and received lore deserves a certain amount of respect. We have promoted it to “iffy” based on BENA and those online discussions, but nevertheless urge a bit of skepticism, thorough cooking, and some care to start with small portions.


  • NH4OH (Ammonia): Cap skin and flesh both turn yellow.
  • KOH: Cap skin and flesh both turn yellow.
  • FeSO4 (Iron Salts): Cap skin turns greenish-gray. Cap flesh turns yellow-orange to yellow-brown.


National Audubon Society Field guide to Mushrooms, Gary Lincoff 567 Mushrooms of West Virginia and the Central Appalachians 316


North American Boletes 157 150

Got something to discuss?

Florian Krammer
3 years 1 day ago

One of the pictures here (by Debbie Viess) looks really like Baorangia bicolor. Very confusing. How do you really tell these two apart?

Scott Pavelle
3 years 1 day ago

The amount and color of the blue bruising is a big clue, and so is a distinct curry odor, but the bottom line is that it’s hard. The group of red-and-yellow boletes may be the single hardest one to identify down to species.

Nancy Gootrad
2 years 11 months ago

I have a collection that doesn’t stain blue instantly, profoundly, or much at all. Before, or after I put them in the ‘fridge overnight. I do get what could be a curry odor.It’s a somewhat celery odor. Not mentioned in this description,but shown in the photos is the inrolled, waver edge on all but the most mature specimen I found. Is this diagnostic?

Scott Pavelle
2 years 11 months ago

Sounds like you have a different species. Try posting it on Mushroom Observer, iNaturalist, or one of the applicable Facebook groups.

Robert Hamilton
2 years 10 months ago

Found one of these in Northern Arizona at 7500′ near Flagstaff. Aug2021

2 years 10 months ago

Photo #5 (credited to NAMA) is currently being displayed on both the Boletus sensibilis page AND the Lanmaoa psuedosensibilis page.

Jason Simons
2 years 1 month ago

I’ve recently been finding some of these and I think M. Kuo’s advice for ID’ing these is priceless –

“Two under-emphasized features of Boletus sensibilis that also help to separate it from its cousins are the fact that its tube layer is “normal” for a bolete, and not proportionally shallow–and the fact that the mature pore surface turns dingy orangish-brownish, rather than olive yellow.”