Genus: Chalciporus
- Genus 2: Boletus
Species: piperatoides
Common Name:
Tells: Slow, acrid flavor. Pinkish to yellowish buff-brown flesh, usually blues esp. by the tubes. Yellow pores age to copper & stain blackish blue. Bright yellow mycelium.
Other Information: Viscid, variable-colored cap. Chal. piperatus is very similar but its pores do not stain & the flavor is even harsher.
Edibility: Unknown, but doubtful. I’m a chili-head and still find this flavor unpleasant.
- NH4OH (Ammonia): No data.
- KOH: Cap skin turns dark rusty-brown or black. Cap flesh turns dull brown to purplish red or gray.
- FeSO4 (Iron Salts): No data.
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