Genus: Chalciporus
- Genus 2: Boletus
Species: piperatus
Common Name: “Peppery Bolete”
Tells: Harsh, acrid peppery flavor. Bright yellow mycelium. Yellow cap flesh ages to dingy purple. Pores may stain brown (blue/black bruising = piperatoides).
Other Information: Could be confused with Chal. piperatoides, except those pores stain dark blue or black while these (sometimes) stain brown. Cap may crack w/ age.
Edibility: Unknown, but doubtful. I’m a chili-head and still find this flavor unpleasant
- NH4OH (Ammonia): Cap skin turns dark reddish brown. Cap flesh turns violet-gray.
- KOH: Cap skin turns dark reddish brown. Cap flesh turns violet-gray.
- FeSO4 (Iron Salts): Cap skin and flesh both turn pale grayish green.
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