Cap Texture is: 3- Wrinkled, Pitted or Corrugated
Showing 33–48 of 81 results
Gastroboletus citrinobrunneus
Irregular, undulating, oft-wrinkled or ridged, yellow cap w/brown on the redges & margin, quickly bruises blue-green.
Read moreGastroboletus turbinatus
Short, stubby, yellow-red stem stains blue. Wrinkled & pitted, yellow- to red-brown cap. Yellow, orange, or red pores quickly blue. Often grows in fused clusters.
Read moreGastroboletus xerocomoides
Stunted, irregularly shaped, olive-yellow to pale olive-brown cap often cracks. White cap flesh stains brown in some parts & blue in others.
Read moreGastrosuillus imbellus
Yellow, brown-staining pores w/in a yellow-brown membrane. Cap flesh smells pungent, tastes bitter, & may stain blue. Short stem w/dark brown dots.
Read moreGastrosuillus laricinus
Yellow, brown-staining pores w/in a yellow-brown membrane. Stem flesh yellow at the top, darkening through orange into brownish at the bottom.
Read moreGastrosuillus suilloides
Stem often stunted. Greenish- to olive-yellow pores are covered by a membrane. Stem & cap both buff to brown. Nothing stains.
Read moreGyroporus subalbellus
Cap varies in color, flattens w/age, & darkens brown when handled. Hollow stem. Whitish pores age yellower & slowly stain pinkish-cinnamon.
Read moreHemileccinum rubropunctum (“Ashtray Bolete”)
Smallish (<3″) liver- to red-brown cap is usually furrowed or wrinkled. Usually has an unpleasant “ash tray” smell, but not always. Buff-yellow stem w/oft-raised reddish dots/spots.
Read moreHemileccinum subglabripes
Think hortonii with a smooth or barely-wrinkled red-brown cap. Cap flesh may taste slightly acidic, & may blue, but rarely.
Read moreLanmaoa roseocrispans
Lobed cap fades from dark red to yellow w/pink in the folds. Yellow pores bruise green- or gray-blue; cap does too, but slower. Very “robust, hefty, and dense” yellow flesh gets orange by the stem base.
Read moreLeccinellum albellum
White/buff/pink/gray cap is usually quite wrinkled, a bit pointy, & cracks/fissures w/ age. Pores are notably depressed at the skinny stem.
Read moreLeccinellum crocipodium
Yellow pores stain browner. Cap flesh stains red/pinkish-gray. Pitted cap ages from blackish to yellow-brown, & often cracks/fissures w/age.
Read moreLeccinellum griseum
Wrinkled/pitted, dull- to blackish-brown cap adds olive tones & cracks/fissures w/age. White, curved-at-the-bottom stem w/dark scabers. Likes oak.
Read moreLeccinellum quercophilum
White stem w/fine brown scabers that bruise bluish-green. Wrinkled/pitted, dull- to yellow-brown cap bruises bluish-green & often cracks & fissures w/age. Likes oak.