Name in North American Boletes: Boletus hypocarycinus
Genus: Suillellus
- Genus 2: Boletus
Species: hypocarycinus
Common Name: “Hickory Bolete”
Tells: Yellow flesh & orange-red pores quickly blue. White to yellow stem (yellow high) speckled red, esp. low. Brown to yellow-brown cap.
Other Information: Yellow flesh stains quickly, but dries bright yellow. Likes oak as well as hickory, particularly by river shores. White mycelium.
Science Notes: DNA testing moved this mushroom into the newly resurrected genus “Suillellus.” The name means “under hickory.”
Edibility: Unknown.
- NH4OH (Ammonia): Cap surface turns yellow-olive. Cap flesh turns blueish gray.
- KOH: Cap surface turns dull gold-amber. Cap flesh turns orange-buff.
- FeSO4 (Iron Salts): Cap surface turns olive-gray. Cap flesh turns gray-blue.
0 | 0 | 120 | 310 |
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