1. Found in Northern Illinois
Showing 17–32 of 88 results
Boletus subluridellus
Reddish cap bruises blue/black & is often olive when young. Pores start yellow, become rosy red, age to orange, & bruise blue. Pale yellow stem, often w/reddish dots, browns from base up w/age.
Read moreBoletus variipes
Buff/yellow-brown/brown cap often cracks & fissures with age & hot weather. White pores turn dingy yellow with age. Often bulbous stem is usually netted either white or brown.
Read moreBoletus vermiculosus (“Brown Pored Bolete”)
Dark brown or red-brown pores pale w/age & bruise a blackish blue. “Vermiculosoides with a darker cap and pores with bruising that does not fade.”
Read moreBothia castanella
Overall color varies through yellow, brown, pink, and chestnut. Stem is often netted, esp. at the top. Chestnut-brown cap can have red or yellow notes. Broad, angular pores bruise tawny brown.
Read moreCaloboletus inedulis
Bitter, whitish-yellow cap flesh stains blue. Yellow pores darken w/age & stain blue. Netted stem is yellow on top, red going down, w/dark-staining base.
Read moreChalciporus piperatoides
Slow, acrid flavor. Pinkish to yellowish buff-brown flesh, usually blues esp. by the tubes. Yellow pores age to cinnamon & stain blackish blue. Bright yellow mycelium.
Read moreChalciporus piperatus (“Peppery Bolete”)
Harsh, acrid peppery flavor. Bright yellow mycelium. Yellow cap flesh ages to dingy purple. Pores may stain brown (blue/black bruising = piperatoides).
Read moreChalciporus rubinellus
Bright yellow flesh DNS. Reddish cap yellows & cracks w/age, never more than 2″ across. Rose-red or -pink pores.
Read moreExsudoporus frostii (“Candy Apple Bolete”)
Candy-apple red (sometimes duller) cap, pores, and stem. Viscid cap. Pores & flesh bruise blue. Stem has coarse, raised netting. Sour taste. Likes oak.
Read moreGyroporus f/k/a castaneus (“Chestnut Bolete”)
Stem stuffed with “cotton” & hollow when old. Flesh is hard and brittle. Brown cap edges often split & flare w/age.
Read moreGyroporus purpurinus (“Red Gyroporus”)
Brittle cap flesh DNS. Deep burgundy red cap may crack w/age & fades from margin in. Stem hollows w/age. Whitish pores yellow w/age & DNS.
Read moreHarrya chromapes (“Chrome Footed Bolete”)
White/pink stem has a bright yellow foot, w/ pink-rose dots or scabers. Rose/pink cap fades tannish w/age & can be slightly viscid.
Read moreHemileccinum rubropunctum (“Ashtray Bolete”)
Smallish (<3″) liver- to red-brown cap is usually furrowed or wrinkled. Usually has an unpleasant “ash tray” smell, but not always. Buff-yellow stem w/oft-raised reddish dots/spots.
Read moreHemileccinum subglabripes
Think hortonii with a smooth or barely-wrinkled red-brown cap. Cap flesh may taste slightly acidic, & may blue, but rarely.